Thursday, 1 December 2011

Richard McCready : Reflections on the Day of Action on Pensions

Richard McCready

Reflections on the Day of Actions for Pensions

1 December 2011

On Wednesday I joined thousands of others to march through the streets of Dundee to show my opposition to the changes to many public sector workers pensions.
It was good to see so many people on the demonstration.
It was disappointing that the demonstration was necessary.
Dundee West Constituency Labour Party unanimously made their views known about this issue.
You can see the statement which they supported
(link) you can read more about the unions together campaigns here.
I am sure that there were people present yesterday who were taking part in their first demonstration.
It is clear that right across the country people were supporting this campaign.
The Prime Minister described Wednesday as a 'damp squib'.
I beg to differ.
I hope that there is a negotiated settlement which allows all workers dignity in retirement.
I support a fair pension and dignity in retirement for all workers, whether in the public or private sector.
I hope that the Tory-led UK Government and the SNP-led Scottish Government, along with local government recognise that dignity in retirement and a fair pension are important.