Friday, 2 December 2011

Jim McGovern condemns Chancellor's Autumn statement

Jim McGovern condemns Chancellor's Autumn statement

29 November 2011

Jim McGovern, MP for Dundee West, condemned the Autumn Statement given by the Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne.

The Autumn Statement comes as the OECD warns of renewed threat of recession for the UK economy, the Office of Budget Responsibility further downgraded the UK’s short term growth expectations, and youth unemployment reaches an all time high of one million young people currently out of work.

Jim McGovern said,

"As the economy stagnates, and the OECD warns we may fall back into recession, and unemployment increases across the country, these announcements are too little too late.

"People in Dundee need to see real action from this government in order to see that jobs and investment increases. That didn’t happen today.

"I support more home building and infrastructure investment, but there should much more of it, and it should have been done over a year ago.

"To cut vital tax credits for hard working families shows that the government are making the most vulnerable and hardest working suffer for their failed economic policies.

"The government’s cuts, and their lack of action, has chocked off economic recovery.

" The government are responsible for much of what has gone wrong. Today George Osborne did not take responsibility for that."

Mr McGovern concluded,

"Government borrowing is up, economic growth is down and unemployment is increasing every day.

"These announcements, many of which are not new, are too little for the people of Dundee.

"The government must come up with a comprehensive plan for economic growth, and they must do so as a matter of urgency."