Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Laurie Bidwell : 99 Fewer Teachers in Dundee this year

Councillor Laurie Bidwell

99 Fewer Teachers in Dundee this year

8 November 2011

This autumn there are 99 fewer teachers working in schools in Dundee compared with 2010.
Figures contained in a response to a Freedom of Information Request to Labour’s education spokesperson Councillor Laurie Bidwell, reveal that the budgeted teacher numbers are 1393 teachers 2011/12 compared with 1492.2 teacher posts in 2010/11.
Commenting on the reduction in the number of teachers by the SNP-controlled council, Councillor Laurie Bidwell, said,
"In the last twelve months Dundee City Council has the unenviable reputation of being responsible one of the largest reductions in its teaching workforce compared with the other councils in Scotland.
"The effect of this reduction will be felt in every school in Dundee.
"This performance is not what the SNP promised at the May 2011 elections to the Scottish Parliament.
"In their Teachers' Manifesto May 2011, they committed to:
'Bring stability to teacher numbers by ensuring councils stick to the agreed minimum number of posts.
"Ensure there are enough posts for every post-probationer and enough additional positions to reduce teacher unemployment'
"A reduction of 99 posts is by no stretch of the English language stability.
"You can't reduce the number of teachers in our schools by 99 posts or 6.6% without having a negative effect.
"Dundee deserves better."