Thursday, 17 November 2011

Jim McGovern hosts FBU briefing on delivery of Aid to Palestine

Jim McGovern hosts FBU Briefing on Delivery of Aid to Palestine
15 November 2011
Jim McGovern, MP for Dundee West, has hosted a briefing led by Jim Malone, FBU Regional Organiser for Scotland, about the recent FBU project to delivery fire fighting equipment to Nablus in the Palestinian West Bank.
Two fire appliances and fire safety equipment were purchased by donations from FBU members and supporters, and were driven from Dundee through nine countries before taking the ferry from Greece to Haifa in Israel.
Unfortunately one fire appliances broke down in Greece and had to be left, but the second, with all the equipment, reached Israel.
The equipment has since been impounded in Haifa for over a month, awaiting clearance from the Israeli authorities.
Early today the Israeli authorities notified the FBU that the process to release some of the equipment was to be sped up.
No date has yet been given for the delivery to be completed.
Jim McGovern said,
"This was a productive meeting and Jim Malone paid excellent testimony to the experiences of the FBU team who drove the fire appliance and equipment to Israel.
"The disappointment felt that this vital equipment has yet to reach the Nablus Fire Service is shared by everyone involved.
"When a city’s fire fighters need to share equipment because they do not have enough for each individual is unacceptable.
"That puts lives at risk.
"The FBU’s project is commendable."
"We welcome the news that the Israeli authorities have now decided to speed up the process of releasing the equipment, though so far some, such as the breathing apparatus, are yet to be given approval."
"I hope the Israeli authorities work with haste to ensure that all of this potentially lifesaving equipment reaches the Nablus Fire Service, and it is soon put to use saving lives in that city."