Friday, 21 September 2012

Dundee has the lowest percentage of people in full-time employment in mainland Scotland

Dundee has the lowest percentage of people in full-time employment in mainland Scotland 

21 September  2012

In the week that the Scottish Government reveals its budget for the coming year, Councilllor Kevin Keenan, Labour group leader on Dundee City Council, has called for more full-time jobs for Dundee.

His call comes as latest official statistics reveal that Dundee has the lowest percentage of people in full-time employment in mainland Scotland.  

Councillor Keenan said,

“ Dundee already has the highest unemployment rate - those in receipt of Job Seekers Allowance - of the four main Scottish cities, higher even than in Glasgow.

“Now it emerges that we have the lowest percentage of people in full-time employment in mainland Scotland

 “These very worrying figures mean that it is imperative that the Scottish Government’s budget produces more full time jobs for Dundee .

“I believe that the SNP Administration of Dundee City  Council should be making jobs for Dundee their main demand of the Scottish Government through the joint single outcome agreement between the council and government.

“The Council along with its partners must also deliver more modern apprenticeship opportunities  for our city’s young people , starting with  each council department taking a  minimum of 10 young people into employment, and using the modern apprenticeship scheme as a framework to assist deliver them a successful future. “

Figures : Source  - Office of National Statistics (2011 data)
Dundee 67.5 per cent
Scottish average 73.6 per cent
Aberdeen 74.1 per cent
Edinburgh  75.2 per cent
Glasgow  74.9 per cent
The only council area with a lower percentage of people on full time jobs is Orkney with 63.6 per cent