Labour's Education Spokesperson in the City, Councillor Laurie Bidwell, said:
Saturday, 29 September 2012
Welcome for Future Funding for Rebuilding Baldragon Academy
Labour's Education Spokesperson in the City, Councillor Laurie Bidwell, said:
Richard McCready : Crisis in Education and a Star Chamber
Mr Forrest spoke about the “extreme problems” in Dundee's schools trying to get supply teachers.
Jenny Marra : Reforming Scots Criminal Law and Practice
Jenny Marra : Reforming Scots Criminal Law and Practice (Public Consultation ) speech in the Scottish Parliament
Councillor Richard McCready : Living Wage : Time for Action
Councillor Lesley Brennan : Health Board questioned on progress on psychological therapies provision
Councillor Lesley Brennan :
“While anti-depressants have a role to play, people with mild and moderate depression can benefit from psychological therapies based on counselling and cognitive behaviour .
“ Such conditions of depression are a major public health concern.
“Therefore, we have to ensure that people can take advantage of psychological therapies to help minimise the prospects of their condition worsening or becoming long-lasting.”
Friday, 21 September 2012
Shortage of Places at Dundee College
Councillor Laurie Bidwell
At the same tine that youth unemployment is at record levels in our city, we can see that a place at Dundee College is also subject to stiff competition; 8932 applicants chasing 3812 places.
(note : many applicants apply for more than one course)
In the last two years the Scottish Government has cut the teaching budgets of Further Education Colleges by 10% each year with two more years of similar cuts scheduled.
In a recession, we need to invest more not less in training and education so that when the upturn comes we have adults ready and well qualified to take their place in the workplaces that are expanding.
V & A Planning Application Approved
Councillor Richard McCready
21 September 2012
I welcome the approval of the V & A at Dundee's planning application.
I think that this development will be a great one for the city.
I look forward to work starting before too long and I hope that this will bring jobs to many local people.
I also look forward to this iconic building providing a home for an iconic British institution in the heart of our city.
I wish the project every success.
Dundee has the lowest percentage of people in full-time employment in mainland Scotland
21 September 2012
In the week that the Scottish Government reveals its budget for the coming year, Councilllor Kevin Keenan, Labour group leader on Dundee City Council, has called for more full-time jobs for Dundee.
His call comes as latest official statistics reveal that Dundee has the lowest percentage of people in full-time employment in mainland Scotland.
Councillor Keenan said,
“ Dundee already has the highest unemployment rate - those in receipt of Job Seekers Allowance - of the four main Scottish cities, higher even than in Glasgow.
“Now it emerges that we have the lowest percentage of people in full-time employment in mainland Scotland
“These very worrying figures mean that it is imperative that the Scottish Government’s budget produces more full time jobs for Dundee .
“I believe that the SNP Administration of Dundee City Council should be making jobs for Dundee their main demand of the Scottish Government through the joint single outcome agreement between the council and government.
“The Council along with its partners must also deliver more modern apprenticeship opportunities for our city’s young people , starting with each council department taking a minimum of 10 young people into employment, and using the modern apprenticeship scheme as a framework to assist deliver them a successful future. “
Figures : Source - Office of National Statistics (2011 data)
Dundee 67.5 per cent
Scottish average 73.6 per cent
Aberdeen 74.1 per cent
Edinburgh 75.2 per cent
Glasgow 74.9 per cent
Jim McGovern supports Secretary of State’s comments on video games industry
21 September 2012
Monday, 3 September 2012
Long term unemployment amongst Dundee's young adults increases from 20 to 380 in 3 years

Long term unemployment amongst Dundee's young adults increases from 20 to 380 in 3 years
3 September 2012
The number of young adults in the 18-24 year old group in July who have been out of work for over a year is the highest in the past fifteen years.
The present number stands at 380, while in July1997 it was 445.
The Dundee figure represents 2 per cent of those claiming Job Seekers Allowance as a proportion of the population in that age group in Dundee
This Dundee figure is the highest for the 4 main Scottish cities, the others being :
Aberdeen 0.4 per cent
Glasgow 1.5 per cent
Edinburgh 0.6 per cent
Kevin Keenan, Labour group on Dundee City Council, commented on the figures saying,
“The rapid rise in long term unemployment amongst this important young adult age group is a major concern.
“Three years ago, the figure stood at 20.
“Now it stands at 380
“Part of the solution can come from both national governments.
“They should consider giving a guarantee to all 18-24 long term unemployed of a paid job for 6 months.
“This would enable them to acquire the experience of work that they need for full-time employment .
“However, this has to be just a part of a pro-jobs agenda for Dundee to turn round the economic fortunes of the whole of the city’s working population.
“ Unless both UK and Scottish Government’s tackle unemployment amongst young adults effectively, then the legacy of having so many young people without a job will remain with the city for years to come.”
Labour’s Real Job guarantee would require all young people aged 18 to 24 who have been unemployed for more than a year to go on a six month long paid job, preferably in the private sector.
The government would pay full wages directly to the business to cover 25 hours of work per week at the minimum wage – £4,000 per job.
In return, the employer would be expected to cover the training and development of the young person for a minimum of 10 hours a week.
The employer would work with private/voluntary sector welfare-to-work providers to agree how best this training can be effective, alongside intensive job-search for a permanent opportunity at the end of the six months.
Saturday, 1 September 2012
Councillor Norma McGovern - Working for You

Norma McGovern - Working for You
Dryburgh - Wednesday 29th August
I attended Barnardo's Scotland SPACE Service Open Day in Dryburgh Education Centre.
This service supports children and their families who are experiencing significant difficulties at home in school or in the community.
SPACE aims to improve the quality of life for children and young people and, where possible, to enable them to remain in mainstream education and with their families.
I met some of the children and young people involved with the service, and I had the opportunity to speak to staff and managers from Barnardo's.
Menzieshill - Wednesday 29th August
I attended Menzieshill Tenants' and Residents' Association meeting.
The main item on the agenda was the problem with drug users congregating around the chemist shop each day when they are receiving their medication and the associated anti social behaviour.
In an effort to reduce this problem, it was agreed that the community police officer would visit the shopping precinct most days, more attention will be given to surveillence with the mobile police CCTV being deployed, and Crimestopper contact information will be displayed in the neighbouring shops.
The Anti Social Team have urged all residents to immediately contact the police if they see any drug activities taking place.
Thursday 30th August
I attended Dundee Carers Centre AGM and open forum day at the West Park Centre.
This was a very enjoyable event and some of the carers, young and old, gave their stories and told of their experiences to a very attentive audience.
Their stories were very heartwarming to listen to and to listen to them in their own words made the experience extra special.
There were individual round table discussions on hypothetical case studies involving carers, service users and councillors.
The one issue that came up consistently was the need for more respite for carers.
Dundee Labour smartphone websites
Dundee Labour
Jenny Marra MSP
Lesley Brennan
Marlyn Glen
Laurie Bidwell
Richard McCready
Friday, 31 August 2012
Jenny Marra MSP : Why the National Football Academy Should Come to Dundee

Why the National Football Academy Should Come to Dundee
Jenny Marra MSP
31 August 2012
Dundee needs more sports facilities. I was speaking to a Dundee Dad recently who said that his son’s team train in Lochee Park on the pitch nearest the street lights because they can’t get a floodlit training ground. When it rains, the training is called off.
For most of the year that kids are out of school, the evenings in Scotland are cold and dark. We have to accept this and build sports facilities in Scotland where kids can spend their evenings warm and dry, playing sport. It keeps them healthy, fit, and builds their confidence.
That’s why I launched a campaign last year to bring the National Football Academy to Dundee. The SNP promised in their manifesto to build a National Football Academy that would be a training facility for some of our top players and other athletes - a new sports facility for the nation.
So why not in Dundee? Glasgow is getting big sports investment because they are hosting the Commonwealth Games. National facilities tend to be in the central belt, but actually Dundee is more central for folk travelling from Aberdeen and the Highlands and is an easy journey from Glasgow or Edinburgh.
This is a project separate from the Commonwealth Games so it’s only fair that the East Coast and Dundee should be considered for the Academy investment.
Dundee is the only major city in Scotland without a UEFA standard indoor football pitch. The Football Academy would bring this. Dundee also has more people who play football per head of population than any other of the 32 councils in Scotland. We are a proud footballing city.
Aside from the Sport, the Football Academy is exactly the kind of building project that we need in Dundee at the moment. The Waterfront development is fantastic but we need lots of new buildings and facilities to get our economy moving and get our people back to work.
Dundee has the worst unemployment per head of any city in Scotland at the moment, even worse than Glasgow. The Sports Minister Shona Robison would be doing a great service to her home city if she could bring the National Football Academy home to Dundee.
The lasting legacy from the Olympics is that sport can inspire, it can motivate, it can let our young people reach heights of success and fulfilment that dreams are made of. We are a nation of sports lovers. The challenge is to become a nation of sportspeople. It binds families together, it gives purpose and vision, it lets our young people achieve in the healthiest way.
I could list a hundred reasons why the National Football Academy should come to Dundee. But the same vision keeps coming back to me and keeps this campaign alive. I have a vision of local boys and girls heading into the National Football Academy here in Dundee for an after-school training session and bumping into some of their heroes who have spent the day training in Dundee; the Scotland squad, Commonwealth Games hopefuls, role models for their young sporting dreams.
5,000 Dundonians have signed the campaign to bring the National Football Academy to Dundee. They are ambitious for our city and want Dundee to be home to the new national sports academy. Why not here, why not now, and why not Dundee?
Wednesday, 29 August 2012
Jenny Marra MSP calls for new target to tackle record-high Drug Deaths in Dundee

Jenny Marra calls for new target to tackle record-high Drug Deaths in Dundee
29 August 2012
Dundee-based MSP and Shadow Minister for Community Safety and Legal Affairs Jenny Marra has called on the Scottish Government and Dundee City Council to strengthen their approach to tackling drug deaths in Dundee by agreeing a target to reduce the number of drug related deaths in the city.
The call comes after Scottish Government figures reveal that Dundee has the highest per capita rate of drug deaths in Scotland , having risen 108% since the SNP took power in 2007.
Ms Marra has criticised the way the Single Outcome Agreements, agreed in partnership between the Scottish Government and the City Council, have recorded their performance on the issue, and has called for the SNP to prove their commitment to reversing the trend in Dundee.
The Single Outcome Agreements have not monitored drug related deaths since 2009, where only alcohol related deaths were recorded, but without a target for improvement.
The only other monitoring of drugs was done in 2008 by a survey taking attitudes on whether Dundonians thought their neighbourhoods suffered from a high prevalence of drugs.
Ms Marra said,
“Dundee is suffering from a very real problem with drug deaths, which has gotten worse over time.
“Latest figures show that we have the highest number of deaths per population in Scotland, and since 2007 the average annual number of drug related deaths has risen over 100%.
“Despite the council recognising that drugs present a real challenge to the health and wellbeing of our city, our key monitoring of the issue has been left wanting and we have had no solid reporting on drug related deaths since 2009, as well as no agreed targets on how to reduce the increasing number of drug related deaths happening in Dundee.
“I am calling on the Scottish Government and the City Council to agree a clear target to work towards lowering drug deaths.
“If the City Council and Scottish Government are serious about tackling the drug problem in Dundee, they must commit to monitoring their performance based on hard evidence and clear targets.
“This is the only way to ensure a sharp focus on bucking the trend that is ending too many lives early.”
Lesley Brennan : 5,900 Underemployed in Dundee

5,900 Underemployed in Dundee
Lesley Brennan
29 August 2012
Dundee has 5,900 people who are officially classified as being “ underemployed”
The official Scottish Labour Force Survey defines “ underemployment “ as :
*all employed persons aged 16 and over who during the reference week were willing to work additional hours, meaning that they:
*wanted another job in addition to their current job(s),
*or wanted another job with more hours instead of their current job(s),
*or wanted to increase the total number of hours worked in their current job(s).
The 5,900 underemployed in Dundee account for some 9 per cent of those in the local workforce.
As well as purely “hours –based “ underemployment , there is also :
Income-based underemployment where the income earned is less than a person expects to earn
Skill-based underemployment where the person is overqualified and underpaid for his/her present job.
Dundee City Councillor Lesley Brennan, who is a health economist said,
“The degree of underemployment depends upon the strength or weakness of the economy.
“ The weaker the economy, the more likely workers are to agree, unwillingly, to work fewer hours or for less wages.
“ Underemployment carries the same risks of personal consequences to health as unemployment does, such as increases in stress levels, displaying symptoms of anxiety and depression , and a decrease in self-esteem.
“The best economic solution to underemployment is to create jobs by stimulating the local economy.
“And the best health remedy for underemployment is secure, well-paid employment.Richard McCready : Five Point Plan for Dundee Jobs

Five Point Plan for Dundee Jobs
Councillor Richard McCready
29 August 2012
Labour in Dundee is continuing to put the city first and campaign for jobs in Dundee.
Our five-point plan is below:
- Start construction immediately on infrastructure programmes
- Guarantee that procurement plans start to benefit local jobs through a radical community benefit approach.
- Come clean on the status of long-promised renewables jobs for Dundee.
- Guarantee Dundee has priority for any new funds identified for infrastructure investment
- Publish an urgent plan for growth and employment for Dundee.
It is important that we put Dundee First and make the case for jobs for Dundee.
Dundee City Council needs to take the lead and use its purchasing potential to invigorate the Dundee economy.
The City Council needs to look at bringing forward proposals for construction work for schemes like the replacement Harris Academy and also look towards building other new schools in the city.
We should also look at bringing forward developments in the waterfront which bring jobs to Dundee.
The council should also ensure that it uses its purchasing power in the interests of the people of Dundee and develops a policy on community benefit in procurement which allows the council to give local businesses a chance to win contracts from the council.
Labour in Dundee is willing to work with anyone with the city's best interests at heart to deliver and secure jobs for Dundee.