Saturday, 29 October 2011

Jim McGovern backs calls for increased support for Computer Games Industry

Jim McGovern backs calls for increased support for Computer Games Industry
29 October2011
Jim McGovern, MP for Dundee West, has backed TIGA’S calls for the Scottish and UK governments to do more to support the computer games industry.
TIGA has put forward proposals for the introduction of a Creative Content Fund that would improve access to finance for developers, stimulate intellectual property production and increase the size of studios.
Jim McGovern said;
"The computer games industry is important to Dundee and the Scottish economy; it is a growth industry that we have been a leader in for over a decade now.
"Many fear that the lack of action from the Scottish and UK governments is seeing us fall behind our international competitors.
"A Creative Content Fund would target government support in a more appropriate way for games developers, and other creative industries, than they currently are.
"The Tory-led government’s stance is naïve; you cannot have a one size fits all approach to business support.
"We have seen this with the film and oil industries.
"The money from the Scottish government is welcome, however it is only a drop in the ocean compared to what Canada, France, the US and Ireland offer to computer games developers.
"They are being left behind in the wake of these countries who better understand the importance of this industry to economic growth and job creation."
Mr McGovern concluded;
"There is a much more that the Scottish and UK governments need to do in order to ensure that our games developers do not suffer.
"Neither Edinburgh or London seem to understand the need to invest in our growth industries in order to grow the economy, get people into work and to pay off the deficit.
"I will continue to push them until they realise that their current plan is the wrong one for Dundee, Scotland and the UK."